Welcome to Nature Birth

At Nature Birth we promote holistic birthing.  We teach women how to access their natural birthing abilities and show them how the journey throughout pregnancy into becoming a mother when embraced holds much healing opportunity. 

Birthing ought to be a joyful experience and it s our mission at Nature Birth to assist humanity in understanding this.

Making the conscious choice to treat pregnancy and birth holistically offers the woman the opportunity to embrace any fears that may arise and learn techniques to transform these into trust and empowerment.

Through this transformative approach, we help women to create a safe space and learn how to surrender to the process; moving with and through their feelings and dropping into what we call their “Natural Birthing Rhythm”.

Connecting with this “NBR” then assists the body further to birth with more ease and flow; better for mother and baby and increasing and optimising long term health and the important post-natal period of adjustment for both mother and baby.

Within a hospital environment and the medical establishment at times, there can be a lot of fear associated with childbirth.  This can be fed to the woman which is unhelpful and leave the woman feeling disempowered and afraid.  It can also hinder the birthing process and slow it down, leading to medical intervention.

At Nature Birth, we try our hardest to avoid this with the use of integrated techniques working to create a positive experience.

We also understand that there can be a range of un-expected outcomes during birth, but we aim to still work on creating a space that “holds” the experience in a protective bubble, supporting the woman throughout what-ever is going on for her.  This is crucial in fostering a sense of safety and reducing the risk of birth trauma and longer lasting harmful effects for mother and child.

Click to read more about the sessions

Click here to contact Tamara or to book sessions